Gaining belly fat is a frustrating issue for many women over 40. It’s crucial to understand that gaining the weight and belly fat isn’t caused by just one issue; it’s a combination of factors that affect many women.  

In order to deal effectively with the belly fat, you need to understand some of the main causes. 

  1. Hormonal Changes: As women approach menopause, there’s a notable decline in oestrogen levels. This shift can lead to a redistribution of fat, primarily accumulating around the belly. 
  2. Decreased Muscle Mass: Ageing naturally brings about a loss of muscle mass, which in turn slows down the metabolism. A slower metabolism means fewer calories are burned throughout the day, which can lead to increased fat storage.
  3. Stress: Stress results in the release of cortisol, a hormone linked to increased belly fat. With daily stressors building up, this is a cause often overlooked.
  4. Poor Diet: Having foods high in fats and sugars contribute to an overall increase in body fat.
  5. Lack of Physical Activity: With age, lifestyle becomes more sedentary due to changes in work habits and being busier. This reduction in physical activity is a significant contributor to weight gain, especially around the midsection.
  6. Sleep: Changes in sleep patterns are common as we age and can disrupt the balance of hormones. Poor sleep can lead to increased appetite and, subsequently, more belly fat.

Many women share with me that they look pregnant years after their children were born and that they don’t like how their belly fat makes them look.

It’s time to address the belly fat and do something about it. Because if you keep ignoring it, it only gets worse.

I can help you with this in my Wellness Membership Program. It’s designed to guide you through making effective lifestyle changes to improve your diet, increase your physical activity, manage stress, and improve your sleep quality.

This is what a client Dinu said, who recently joined the programI am really glad I joined the program. After seeing the results in a month it has motivated me to lose weight and get fit. I have lost 2 kilograms and 1 inch from my chest, waist, hips, and arms. Also, I have more energy and feel more confident. I can fit into my clothes which were tight. My goal is to lose 3-4 kilograms by June so I can fit into my outfit for a wedding.”

Join Wellness Membership Program

If you’re looking to lose weight and reduce belly fat in time for the summer, come and join me.

Don’t let your belly fat become a permanent problem. You can only see a transformation if you learn what to do.

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