I recently interviewed Bhavika, who’s shared her remarkable journey to reclaim her health after being treated for cancer and learning she was pre-diabetic.

Her story shows that by making sustainable lifestyle changes, we can improve our well-being.  Please do watch the interview.

Bhavika joined my program for personalised support as she felt overwhelmed by all the information available, which can at times be confusing.  She wanted guidance for lasting changes rather than opting for quick fixes.

Through the 28 Day Program, she began making small yet meaningful habits that gradually have become part of her daily routine, giving noticeable results within just a few weeks.

How Bhavika’s life has improved:

– Her oncology team were very happy with her blood test results

– Significant increase in energy levels

– Physically fitter: Able to walk faster and do more weights at the gym 

 Improved sleep quality

 Better digestion

 Positively influenced her family’s eating habits

– Setting a positive example for her daughters

Bhavika was able to make the changes because it was simple and easy to follow. Contrary to expectations, she didn’t need to invest in special foods; rather, she learned how to best use the ingredients she had, and make informed choices about portion sizes and meal composition.

Bhavika sees that “training her brain,” as she describes it, has reframed her approach to food and finding a balance.  She’s been able to do it with a busy schedule and knows it is now part of her lifestyle.

Bhavika’s transformative story is a reminder that by prioritising nutrition, physical activity, and mindset shifts, we can control some aspects of our health.  This then reduces the risk of future health complications.

I am very grateful to Bhavika for doing this interview as know it will help others in a similar situation.  Many people don’t want to talk about their cancer diagnosis and struggle on their own, not knowing what to do. Her experience is an inspiration to anyone facing health challenges, that with dedication, support, and a willingness to make a change, transformative outcomes are within reach.

If you need help, I’d be happy to have a free discovery call.

Click Here For a Discovery Call

If you have any questions, do send me an email at sujata@optimum-nutrition.org