Today, I would like to share an interview with Naz, who describes how she got healthier.
Naz joined my Wellness Membership Program, looking to improve her health after she had been advised by her doctor that she was at risk of diabetes due to her weight. Also, she wasn’t feeling good about herself, her clothes didn’t fit well and her diet wasn’t the best as she often indulged in comfort foods.
In the past she had tried programs like Weight Watchers and other diets. She found that she would loose weight during these diets, but afterwards the weight would always come back.
When a friend mentioned my program, Naz was ready to make some long-term changes, but was unsure whether she was actually capable of doing it.
At this point, she made an important decision, and took the first step. She contacted me, where we talked through her concerns. Naz, remembers this call fondly, saying that it really helped her to know that I had faith in her ability to make changes. This in turn made her feel confident and that she could do it.
Naz is happy that she joined the Wellness Membership Program.
The improvements she’s seen are:
- After the initial call, began to believe in herself. Do you know, often it’s our self doubts, that keep us feeling stuck?
- Is more active. From not being able to walk for 10 minutes before, she can now walk for miles. She even did this over Ramadan, something that she had not imagined possible.
- Blood sugar is now normal, no longer borderline diabetic.
- Her energy levels have improved.
- Feeling more confident within herself and this has made her feel happier.
- Motivated and feels capable of a lot more. Starting a teacher training course.
- Gone down a bra size.
- Lost weight and can fit back into jeans and was very pleased with this accomplishment, as had bought expensive jeans years ago and didn’t want to let go of them.
- Enjoys a variety of delicious foods.
- Family meals are healthy and she doesn’t need to cook separate meals.
So, how did she do it?
To see how Naz did this do watch the short interview where she shares some of the simple doable habits that she created.
She learned that it wasn’t as hard as she expected, and that small steps were key.
Previously, she liked having her comfort foods like sweets. And, after joining the program, she did not stop these, but instead learned how to make healthy swaps and find alternative sweet foods that were better for her. For example, instead of milk chocolate, she swapped to dark. These small swaps were applied throughout her meals, so she did not feel deprived.
One misconception that is often held with eating healthy, is that food doesn’t taste good. Naz would say otherwise! Her family ate the same food and they found it delicious. Therefore, making these changes not only helped her, but all her family.
Naz now has a greater awareness of what to eat. She has improved her relationship with food, enjoys her meals, she doesn’t feel lethargic, and she can maintain a healthy blood sugar level. She has created healthy habits and can sustain it.
And most importantly, as Naz shares in the interview, it was not expensive, as was cooking with normal and readily available foods

Congratulations to Naz, who has improved health markers and so many other areas of her life. In my programs, we celebrate the wins, the small and big ones.
I know the one big thing that holds many from getting started is not knowing if you can actually do it. That is what Naz used to think too. But she began to believe and trust herself and changed her mind set and got started. Naz kindly did an interview with me sharing how she took small steps to get big wins.
As you can see, I guide women, just like you, who want to keep it real, who want to enjoy themselves whether it’s eating their own traditional meals or eating out.
They don’t stop living their normal lives but instead learn how to improve their ways of living. In the Wellness Membership Program, I am guiding step-by-step on what to do, there is support and accountability and you get access to my coaching videos, cooking classes, meditation practices and so much more.
It’s with this simple, flexible and expert-led program, members are educated to be able to make lifelong healthy decisions. If they can do it, so can you!
Feeling ready to take that first step to know how you too can do it? Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with me.