Create the healthy life you want. Look good and regain your confidence.

Personalised wellness online programs for busy people worldwide.
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Have you been trying on your own to lose weight and get healthier but not seen any results?

Are you feeling fed up and frustrated of going around in circles?


Being overweight may be affecting you in more ways than you actually realise. You cannot wear the clothes that you want to and are hiding behind others in photographs.  This then affects your self-esteem and you don’t want to go out to eat.  Or maybe you don’t have much energy and are constantly feeling tired and struggle to keep up with your tasks so depend on sugar or caffeine to pick you up.

My practical guidance will allow you to finally get over this and live the life that you have always wanted, so that you are healthier and look and feel good.

Do you know how much time, effort and money you are wasting “guessing” how to get healthier and to lose weight?

This can also leave you feeling frustrated and affect you from living your life fully.

Getting healthy may seem easy however, in reality it is far from that, as there is so much to consider.  There can be an overwhelming amount of conflicting information, you may not be sure of what to eat, portion sizes, how to get active, etc., and you don’t have much time.

You need the guidance of a qualified coach who has the experience and cares about your wellness.

Having worked with many busy people over the last eight years I understand where you are and where you want to get to.

My clients are so happy when they see their transformations, especially as they did not think it was possible.  They lose weight, improve their energy and feel more positive about themselves.

Why work with a health coach?

I love to see my clients succeed:

“Previously I’ve tried lots of diets but nothing worked in the long term. I’d lose weight and then put it on again. This has not been the case with the plan I received from Sujata.  I have lost just over 6 kilos and my relationship with food has changed completely.

I feel motivated and positive that finally I have my weight under control and I have not felt deprived as the recipes are delicious. I have also seen an improvement in my skin and energy levels” Patricia

I was happily surprised by the simple recipes that I could cook easily. I feel good, have lost weight, my clothes are getting loose for me and friends have complimented me on my weight loss. My skin is clearer and I no longer get the strong sugar cravings that I previously had. Most importantly I’m not hungry as I used to be. Sujata is not judgemental and listens, she has given me alternatives and with these options I don’t feel deprived but satisfied. I am carrying on with this program as it makes me feel healthier.”  Rene

“Within weeks, my HBA1C levels for my diabetes dropped significantly and even my Diabetes consultant was very happy with what I was doing.  After the long term illness I suffered I was struggling to bring down my HBA1C levels and were around 80 which dropped down to 68! This was the most winning moment for me.   Since I started I have been truly happy with myself, its been life changing and I am feeling less bloated, thinking lot more creatively about what foods are good for my body and coming up with recipes on the back of Sujata’s recommended list. ” Reena

How you can get healthier and look and feel good:

I know you are busy.

Which is why I designed my programs to be simple to follow:

– Quick & easy family-friendly recipes with readily available ingredients 

– Enjoy your own traditional meals

– Learn how to make the best decision when eating out or on holiday

– Get more active and exercise (no gym membership required)

– Create positive mindset changes


Now, you can get healthier and look and feel good about yourself!

Find your programSchedule complimentary call

Start with My FREE Five Day Course

As we get older our body changes. It gets harder to lose weight and the popular quick fix diets don’t give lasting results.
Come and try for yourself and get my step-by-step guidance in my free five day video course.
✔️ Why most diets don’t work
✔️ What causes overeating
✔️ How to lose weight eating real foods
✔️ A one day planner
✔️ What to do to feel calmer in 5 minutes

We go back to basics and start with the essentials of what to eat and why you need to include these foods.  Discuss healthy portion sizes and how you can include your treats, so you won’t feel deprived as you can still enjoy your glass of wine or chocolate as you will find your healthy balance.
As exercise and movement is key I will guide you on staying active even when you are busy.  By focusing on the right exercises so you don’t need to spend hours in the gym, but do shorter periods of effective exercising which you enjoy staying active regardless of your environment.
As habits and lifestyles change, mindsets need to be reset in tandem so you don’t feel deprived and enjoy your new lifestyle. You are guided on making small sustainable changes and will overcome your cravings.  You will move away from “diet” mentality and make lifestyle changes.
Wellness and Weight loss goals: After completing the  program you make sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle in a healthy and seamless manner. During the health consultations you will be provided with nutrition knowledge as well as the necessary tools to facilitate changes for optimal health.

My Programs To Get My Step-By-Step Guidance