Lockdown for many people has meant a more sedentary lifestyle, not exercising or being active.  Plus, also eating larger meal portions and constantly snacking when working from home.  And you don’t even realise the weight gain, if you have been wearing comfortable tracksuit bottoms, until the time to finally wear your regular clothes.

Today I would like to introduce you to Shal, one of my clients, who joined my 1-2-1 coaching program because she had put on some weight and was finding it difficult to lose it on her own.

Shal has a busy life as is a full time teacher.  She found her weight gradually crept up over the years. And then during the pandemic, when she was working remotely, she gained a little more weight as she was spending most of her day in front of the computer and not moving much and having quick meals.  Even though she wasn’t having much junk or processed foods, she still didn’t see much change.  Plus, she didn’t have the time to make detailed meal plans and cook unfamiliar meals – she wanted to stick to ‘normal’ life as much as possible. 

She was unhappy about the weight gain and that some clothes were no longer fitting well. At this point she decided that it was time to take action. 

She realised that she didn’t have the right knowledge to bring about long lasting weight loss.  She decided to join me because I could guide her and also cater to her regular Indian cuisine meal choices and suggest how to stock up her pantry.

In just 4.5 months she lost 6 kilos, and most importantly she is happy that the weight has stayed off! She now finally fits into a pair of jeans that she hadn’t been able to wear for 10 years.

So what helped her?

  • Learning nutrition; different food groups and portion sizes.
  • Knowing what best natural protein foods to have in her vegetarian diet
  • Being able to eat out healthily.
  • Not depending just on the scales to measure success, using other factors such as the change in her body measurements and energy.
  • Not having to calorie count or weigh food. Instead learning to eat mindfully.
  • Building up her activity and exercise gradually and being consistent.
  • Following a guided, simple, process which was doable with her busy schedule.


Having completed my program, Shal’s new goal it to keep going! She plans to lose a few more kilos and continue with the fitness routine that she has developed.

And as the program made shopping, cooking and eating healthily become second nature it will be easy for her to continue with this momentum. Not only did she lose weight, she now feels confident in her ability to sustain this healthy lifestyle, no matter what we face this coming year.

A huge congratulations to Shal.  And for those of you with whom this resonated, I hope you can now see I work with clients just like yourself who, with my help, have achieved their goals. They have very busy lives and traditional cuisines that they would like to continue eating. With a simple, flexible and expert-led program, they are educated to be able to make lifelong healthy decisions. If they can do it, so can you!

Feeling ready to take that first step and find out how you too can lose weight?

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 15 minute call with me.