62 year old Bharti had gained weight over the years and had been trying for a long time to lose this.  

Before joining my 28 Day Program, she had totally given up thinking there’s no possible way she could lose weight.  She even cleared out her wardrobe and gave her clothes away to her sister as she couldn’t fit into them.  

Previous diets: She had tried Weight Watchers, raw food diet and Rosemary Conley.  

These did not work long term because they required too much from her and felt unrealistic.  Weight Watchers didn’t work for her as she couldn’t keep up with the point system. And it focused too much on eating proteins such as eggs, but as she doesn’t eat eggs, it was hard for her to follow. She also tried a raw food diet but it too just wasn’t sustainable as she couldn’t keep up with eating raw foods in the winter.  She then ended up piling on the weight again which led to her feeling depressed.

She joined my 28 Day Program in January 2022 and in that month lost 9 pounds and as she shared in her interview, she found the first month of her weight loss journey easy. It worked straight away and to date in 4 months, she has lost 16 pounds.

Some significant improvements that Bharti has noticed include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Weight loss
  • Wearing clothes a size down
  • Fits back into her old sari blouses
  • No more pains in her joints caused by arthritis
  • Can now walk for hours 
  • Knowledge has increased

What helped her?

  • Getting started and taking action
  • The support in the program from me
  • The online community that she got access to
  • Gaining a better understanding and knowledge about nutrition
  • Having a positive mindset and dedication 
  • Eating same meals as her family that they all enjoy

Bharti recommends my program because for the first time, she has found a realistic program that is sustainable and enjoyable that has allowed her to lose weight and improve her health and lifestyle whilst still eating the foods that she loves as well as being able to try out new recipes.  

Do watch the interview as in it she shared:

Losing all the weight has had a positive impact on her confidence. 

She’s given her larger sized clothes to charity and has bought new clothes one size down.

Feels so much more comfortable and has higher energy levels.

– Can finally open her wardrobe and wear anything, knowing her clothes are going to fit her.

Confidently wears her saris again as the blouses fit her

She no longer experiences the joint pains that she used to have from arthritis. 

She can walk for hours and doesn’t have pain from plantar fasciitis.

Bharti has shared her experience in the video, what she went through and how she benefited from my course, do watch the video.

A huge congratulations to Bharti who prioritised herself and her health and has been able to achieve her weight goals and has transformed her life in so many different ways. 

And I’m sure you will agree, that it’s not just about weight loss, it’s also about what it allows you to do including living a  healthier and happier life. 

If you too are looking to see a change you need to make a change!

So, come and join me in 28 Day Program.