Have you started preparing for Diwali? 

I find being organised in the kitchen is very helpful for me, meal planning helps to save time and is something I do weekly.  When I don’t plan my meals, I’m not sure what to cook, deciding last minute and constantly going to the supermarket.

It does help to be organised when planning what treats to make.  Around this festive time, we also give gifts and traditionally these consist of sweet treats, “mithai” and there are so many to choose from; spoilt for choice with variety of burfis, ladoos, ras malai, gulab jamun, etc.  The mithai is often milk based and contains lots of sugar and has a shorter use-by date.  Which means, when you get these, you have to eat them soon.  So many overindulge in these sweet and fried foods and find themselves feeling bloated, tired and heavier after the festive period.

If you want to be healthy or are concerned about putting on weight or at risk of diabetes or have high cholesterol you may be thinking of what you can do to keep this Diwali relatively healthy. 

You don’t need to be on a diet or feel deprived this Diwali.  Just make a few simple swaps.

Stay healthy this Diwali by making your own sweet treats as when you make them yourself you know how much sugar you add in and will also be using the best ingredients.

This is a simple recipe for coconut delights, that you can make in about 30 minutes, for yourself, your family and friends.  

Coconut Delights


2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup shredded coconut

2 tbsp cacao powder

1/2 cup nut butter

1/3 cup honey (or to taste)

1 tsbp chia seeds

1 tbsp water (may need a little more)

1/2 cup rolled oats

Blend the cacao powder, 2 cups oats and shredded coconut in a blender until makes a fine powder.

Then in a bowl combine with nut butter, honey and chia seeds and knead into a dough.  Add in the 1/2 cup rolled oats and 1 tbsp water and mix and knead into a dough.  If it is dry, add in another 2-3 tbsp more water, or as much as needed.  The amount that you need will depend on how thick the nut butter is.  This is an important step, to get the right consistency.

Take about one tablespoon of this mixture and roll into balls. 

Or roll the dough flat and cut into square and diamond shapes.

Or using a mould make the sweet treats.

If you liked this recipe, do share it with your family and friends.  

To get my FREE Snack Guide Book CLICK HERE

Want to eat healthy snacks that take care of your cravings? 

Get my Snack Guide Book today to make quick, easy delicious snacks.

You don’t have to give up your favourite sweet or savoury treats.  You can still enjoy them guilt free by learning how to make healthy swaps.

CLICK HERE for Free Snack Recipe Book.