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Last week I shared the importance of weight loss for those who are overweight or obese to reduce the risk of many disease.

Today, I want to discuss why most of my clients want to lose weight, you may have guessed it. It’s to LOOK and FEEL GOOD about themselves.

When working with my clients of course this varies, as everyone is unique. But so many share, that they felt the best when they were able to fit into a specific dress size or had a flatter tummy.

I work with mainly women who despite months and for some even years of trying on their own they just are not seeing results.

– For some they have struggled with weight even as a child.

– Others found that the pounds crept up gradually.

– And for many they were unable to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight.

Having worked and coached many to weight loss, I understand what it means not to “like how you look”. For many, they have low self-esteem and don’t feel confident about themselves.  And the worst is having the daily reminder of the drawer (or even wardrobe) full of clothes, which are now too small to wear.

How we speak to ourselves is important and if you are constantly speaking negatively you won’t see the results that you want.

It is POSSIBLE for you to make the changes and get to your goals, whatever they are.

First, you need to believe that you can do it, most people don’t think they can because of their past attempts which were not successful. If you are stuck in the past you cannot have a different future.

Secondly, set realistic goals with a time frame. In order to lose 10 kilos, you need to lose ½ kilo or 1 kilo first and keep repeating that until you get to your goal. So, celebrate each milestone, whether it is big or small. What is most important is that you keep moving forward instead of giving up.

Thirdly, allow for set-backs. Nobody ever got what they wanted without failing a few times at what they were doing. Whether it is improving ourselves, at work or in a sport, it’s perseverance that matters.

If you are doing it on your own and find you are not seeing instant results, it becomes easier to give up rather than carry on. The fourth tip is to find the support that you need on the days you feel like giving up, as we all need someone there to motivate and inspire us. For instance, I do that with my clients and in my 90 Day Program where there is a positive community.

Lastly, think of the daily actions that you need to take to get to your goals. You cannot achieve your goals overnight but you can make small changes overnight. For example, you can drink more water to stay hydrated or start the day with a filling breakfast. Or you can have a healthy snack instead of one full of sugar, salt or fat. I have a free snack guide and you can download that to get started with having healthy snacks. Visit www.sujatadin.com/snacks

When coaching my clients, I show them how to set different goals instead of feeling frustrated if the number on the scales is not changing. Alongside the weight loss there are many other things that most need to work on, including digestion and energy.

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