Do you start your weight loss journey all excited and ready to make a change?

You’re walking 10,000 steps a day, you’ve joined the gym, and you’re eating salads. Maybe you’ve even started meal prepping or trying out new healthy recipes.

But as time passes, that initial spark starts to fizzle out. You might skip a few walks, visit the gym less frequently, and gradually return to your old eating habits.

It’s a common thing —I’ve seen it happen so many times, and losing motivation is one of the biggest reasons why people give up.

Feeling unmotivated? It might be due to:

  • Slow results: Not seeing the numbers drop on your bathroom scales can be very discouraging.
  • Lack of accountability: It’s easy to fall off track when you’re busy or tired.
  • Confusion: With so many diet plans out there, from ketogenic to low-fat, it’s hard to know which one works for you.
  • Boredom: Who wants to eat bland foods all the time?
  • Emotional eating: When stress hits, comfort foods like ice cream, cookies, and chips can become all too tempting.

You want to lose weight to look and feel good and also for your health.  But, the longer you wait, the harder it becomes. Without support, your weight loss journey can feel lonely and overwhelming.

But don’t let these challenges stop you.

Take Kirti, for example. She has stayed motivated through my Wellness Membership Program, even reversed her pre diabetes by reducing her HbA1c from 43 to a safe 38.5, and she’s fitter with her clothes fitting much better too.

Here’s How I Can Help You Regain Your Motivation:

  • Structured Plans: Clear, step-by-step guidance on what to eat, activities to engage in, and mindset shifts to make.
  • Regular Check-ins: I’ll help monitor your progress, making adjustments and offering encouragement to keep you on track.
  • Guidance: Learn about meal planning, nutrition, getting organized, and making those important mindset shifts.
  • Variety: Enjoy a range of easy, delicious recipes so meals never get boring.
  • Gradual Changes: Celebrate small wins that add up to big results, making your goals achievable.
  • Community Support: Join a community of members who share your goals. You’ll never feel alone.
    If you’ve been trying on your own and haven’t seen the results you want because it’s tough to stay motivated, my Wellness Membership Program could be the game-changer you need.

Join There is a special limited time offer – save over 70%

And if you can’t begin right now, you can sign up now and start later.


Together, we can make lasting changes that affect not just how you look, but how you feel too.

If you have any questions, send me an email at