This week is vegetarian week, and it’s the best time to have delicious and healthy plant-based food. Whether you’re already a vegetarian or simply looking to add more veggies to your diet, there are many benefits when done right.

But here’s the thing, it’s important to focus on whole, healthy vegetarian foods.

Don’t fall into the trap of becoming a “junk food vegetarian.”

Processed options might seem convenient, but they can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. We want to eat food that nourishes us, not just fills us up!


Why Choose a Healthy Vegetarian Diet?

A well-balanced plant-based diet not only boosts your health but also helps the environment. By eating more plants, you’re lowering your carbon footprint!

Weight Loss? Yes, plant-based diets can help you lose those extra kilos! Just stick to whole foods like vegetables, beans/lentils and grains that are packed with fibre.

Heart Health? Plant-based proteins like lentils, beans, and tofu are low in unhealthy fats and high in fibre, helping lower cholesterol and protect your heart.

Blood Sugar? A healthy plant-based diet keeps your blood sugar balanced. This is key to preventing type 2 diabetes.

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure? Plant foods are naturally lower in fats and salt, helping you keep cholesterol and blood pressure in a healthy range.

Better Digestion? Fibre and prebiotics from plant foods do so much for your digestion and a healthy gut.

Healthier Skin? Yes as packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, by including healthy plant-based foods can give your skin that natural glow.


Watch Out for Processed Foods!


Now, a quick reminder: not all plant-based foods are created equal. It’s easy to reach for that “healthy” veggie burger or crsips, but many processed options are loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium. So, do stick to whole real foods.


To Get You Started, Try These Delicious Plant-Based Recipes:

This Vegetarian Week, set your intention to add more whole, plant-based foods to your plate. Remember, it’s not about being perfect.

Give these recipes a try, and let me know how you liked them. Let’s make this Vegetarian Week delicious and healthy.

3 Bean Salad.

My protein-packed, refreshing salad that’s super easy to make.

CLICK HERE for the recipe.

Chickpea Salad

Simple, satisfying, and perfect for lunch!  Takes lesss than 20 minutes to make.

CLICK HERE for the recipe.

Edamame Salad

Nutritious, colourful and a warm salad that you can have for dinner.

CLICK HERE for the recipe.

If you  are looking to get healthier and need support and guidance, set up FREE discovery call with me HERE.