by | Jul 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
Tina had always been a bigger size, but it was getting worse as her jeans weren’t fitting her. She was low on energy and on the verge of menopause and had been gaining weight which made her feel frustrated. She had been following me for some time but kept putting...
by | Jul 11, 2022 | Health Tip, Services
When it comes to weight gain, there is a stigma that certain carbs such as rice should be avoided. Often, people think that they shouldn’t eat much rice because they feel by including it, this may cause them to gain weight or it’s stopping them from losing weight....
by | Jul 3, 2022 | Health Tip, Services
Rina is 55 years old and had been trying to lose weight for over 20 years. Within 10 months of joining my Wellness Membership Program, she finally got over her weight loss plateau and has lost 21 kilos. She’s continuing her journey to feel healthier and happier and...
by | Jun 25, 2022 | Health Tip
It’s now officially summer and I do love the warmer and sunnier days. I wanted to share some simple routines you can introduce to look and feel good over summer. Below I share four things to begin doing to feel healthier and happier. Fresh foods Eating fresher...
by | Jun 16, 2022 | Recipes
The classic egg salad is a popular favourite, especially as a quick go-to for lunch and is sold in cafes and supermarkets. Of course your egg salad will taste even better when you make it yourself with my egg recipe that I am sharing today! Please note that If you...