by | Dec 23, 2018 | Recipes, Vegetarian
Try this simple, yet delicious recipe for Brussels sprouts which are crispy and spicy. 2 cups Brussels sprouts To make the marinade mix: 1 tbsp lemon juice ¾ tbsp olive oil ½ tbsp finely chopped ginger and garlic ½ tsp cumin ½ tsp chili flakes Sea salt to taste...
by | Dec 19, 2018 | Health Tip
Over the month of December most of us are eating out more than we normally do. Meals outside the home may not be as healthy, as these usually have more sugar, salt or fat. If you will are eating out frequently do follow my three simple tips: ✔️ Eating...
by | Dec 18, 2018 | Health Tip, Snacks
At this time of the year it is hard to resist the tempting beautifully presented cakes, biscuits and pastries which can be seen everywhere; from supermarkets, cafes, restaurants to even the small convenience stores at petrol stations Instead of buying these it is...
by | Dec 11, 2018 | Health Tip
In this short video I share how you can reduce or avoid sugar in your beverages. By being more mindful of what you are eating and drinking you can stay healthy over the...
by | Aug 29, 2018 | Health Tip
If you want to feel and look amazing you don’t need to be on a restrictive diet, exercise for hours every day or spend a fortune on products. When working with my clients I guide them to go back to basics and make some simple changes that they can consistently follow...