Baba ganoush recipe

Baba ganoush recipe

If you are looking for an appetiser to make, you should definitely try this dip.  It’s delicious, creamy and has a subtle smoky flavour to it.  Plus once you add in the spices and herbs you have a beautiful blend of textures and flavours.  All the ingredients...
How to achieve your resolutions

How to achieve your resolutions

Many of us have dreams about what we want in our life.  Can you close your eyes for a few moments and think about what you want it to look like one year from now?  How do you want your health to be? Many people have big goals at the start of the year but find that...
End of year wellness reflection

End of year wellness reflection

As the year comes to an end, one of my favourite things to do is to reflect on all that happened in the year and then to plan for the upcoming year.  This is also something I’m guiding my clients to do and it helps them get clarity and move towards their goals. ...
Healthy Holiday Tips

Healthy Holiday Tips

Over Christmas it often becomes difficult to stay on track and however disciplined you have been over the year, you find that you begin to struggle with the numerous temptations at this time of the year,  from cookies, mince pies, champagne to mulled wine.  And the...