by | Aug 27, 2020 | Recipes, Vegetarian
This is one of the easiest and quickest recipes that you can use to make a delicious creamy guacamole. Just put all the ingredients in a blender. Then blend until smooth and serve with tortilla chips and vegetable stick. Easy creamy guacamole 2 small ripe avocados,...
by | Aug 17, 2020 | Breakfast, Breakfast recipe
Sometimes I feel like both a smoothie and some granola and that is when I make a smoothie bowl. It’s smooth, creamy, cooling and has the crunchy texture of granola. Not only does it taste good, it’s nutritious as made with fresh fruits and no added...
by | Jul 28, 2020 | Health Tip
The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. It is a heart healthy as associated with longer life expectancy, lower cardio vascular risk incidence[1][2] and also shown to reduce the likelihood of depressive symptoms in older...
by | Jul 7, 2020 | Recipes, Vegetarian
This week’s recipe is a delicious, satisfying and colourful salad made with three beans that you can have for lunch or dinner. This salad is for you if you are bored of eating beans and lentils and want more variety. Three Bean Salad 1 cup cooked chickpeas 1 cup...
by | Jun 27, 2020 | Recipes, Snacks, Vegetarian
This week I wanted to share a delicious beet and berry smoothie that’s not only tasty and healthy, but looks good as has a deep red colour. This is for you if you are new to green smoothies. You couldn’t tell that I’ve added in baby kale leaves to this smoothie as...