Coconut chia berry pudding

Coconut chia berry pudding

Sharing a recipe that can be made over Valentines, it’s delicious, quick and easy to make and healthy too. You can have it either for breakfast, snack or dessert time and as you can see for yourself it is so simple to make.  Eating healthily should never be...
What is your health worth to you?

What is your health worth to you?

Our health is something that most of us take for granted and it’s only when we get a diagnosis do we begin to think about it.  And some are fortunately able to make changes that allows them to regain their health but for others, unfortunately, it may be too late. Have...
Baba ganoush recipe

Baba ganoush recipe

If you are looking for an appetiser to make, you should definitely try this dip.  It’s delicious, creamy and has a subtle smoky flavour to it.  Plus once you add in the spices and herbs you have a beautiful blend of textures and flavours.  All the ingredients...
How to achieve your resolutions

How to achieve your resolutions

Many of us have dreams about what we want in our life.  Can you close your eyes for a few moments and think about what you want it to look like one year from now?  How do you want your health to be? Many people have big goals at the start of the year but find that...