by | Jun 18, 2023 | Health Tip, Media
We all spend some time in the kitchen daily. But are you aware and present with what you are doing? Or has it become a process of doing your cooking on autopilot, moving from one task to another, not even knowing what you are doing? With our busy lives, often and...
by | May 28, 2023 | Health Tip, Services
If you are struggling to lose weight, I know how frustrating it feels. You start a program all excited and can’t wait to finally lose the weight…but then it never happens. I see so many people make the same mistakes again and again. This is wasting your...
by | Apr 17, 2023 | Health Tip, Services
I speak to so many who say they just can’t stop eating sugar…and they have tried numerous times. It’s not your fault as there are many reasons why we can’t cut sugar. Sugar addiction: Do you know that sugar has addictive properties, and...
by | Apr 12, 2023 | Health Tip, Services
We are constantly exposed to toxins all around us, from what we eat, drink and in our environment. Our body naturally detoxifies through different organs like the liver, skin, kidneys, digestive and lymphatic systems and via functions such as circulation, sweating,...
by | Apr 5, 2023 | Health Tip, Media
I joined Lord Ed Vaizey on the 31st March for an interview on Times radio. I would love for you to listen to this interview as was asked why I do what I do. I have shared how my journey started to becoming a Health Coach. For me, this was personal, to improve both...
by | Mar 28, 2023 | Getting started, Health Tip
Buying food in bulk helps us to save money. However, if we don’t use it timely and it goes off or mouldy, then it is a waste of both the food and money. I have lots of money saving ideas in my FREE GUIDEBOOK and you can get this when you CLICK HERE Below I am...