How Rina lost 21 kilos
Rina is 55 years old and had been trying to lose weight for over 20 years. Within 10 months of joining my Wellness Membership Program, she finally...
Affordable tips to stay healthy this summer
It's now officially summer and I do love the warmer and sunnier days. I wanted to share some simple routines you can introduce to look and feel...
Quick egg salad
The classic egg salad is a popular favourite, especially as a quick go-to for lunch and is sold in cafes and supermarkets. Of course your egg salad...
How To Stop Snacking
One of the reasons many people gain weight is that they are constantly snacking through the day and don't even realise how much they are eating. I’m...
Achieving your New Year’s resolutions
We are now in June and the first five months of the year have flown by. And as we come into summer, you might be asking yourself whether you’ll...
Kale and Pear Salad
More of us are not just eating healthily, but we are also thinking about the environment, so we want to include more plant based foods. Green...