by | Oct 3, 2019 | Health Tip, Recipes
As you probably know from my previous newsletters, I love smoothies, and these are made daily at our home. Smoothies are super quick and easy to make and all you need is a blender. It need not be an expensive blender either. I wanted to share with you in this short...
by | Sep 24, 2019 | Recipes, Snacks, Vegetarian
This is smoothie is something I often make in the winter months to boost my immunity. 2 oranges, peeled and seeded Pinch of cinnamon powder Small piece of ginger Small piece of turmeric ¼ cup milk or coconut milk ½ cup water 2 tbsp rolled oats Pinch of black pepper...
by | Sep 16, 2019 | Recipes, Snacks
This is a delicious , creamy eggplant dip which has a mix of flavours when you add cumin, paprika and fresh parsley. Yummy! 2 medium eggplants 1/4 cup tahini 3 garlic cloves, minced Juice from ½ lemon 1 teaspoon ground cumin ¾ teaspoon paprika sea salt to taste 1...
by | Sep 9, 2019 | Recipes
Chickpea and walnut salad 3 cups chickpeas 1 red pepper, diced 1 yellow pepper, diced 2 large tomatoes, diced 1 small onion, diced 1 cup chopped fresh herbs ½ cup sliced walnuts Dressing: Juice from 1 small lemon 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil Sea salt (not too much)...
by | Aug 25, 2019 | Recipes, Snacks, Sweet snack
This week’s recipe is a refreshing and cooling smoothie recipe that is naturally sweetened with fresh fruits. Over this warm bank holiday weekend, you can enjoy it as a snack, which is included in my FREE SMOOTHIE GUIDE BOOK. Ingredients: ¾ cup diced mango 2...
by | Aug 25, 2019 | Recipes, Snacks
Fresh, home made guacamole tastes so delicious and I always make this when having friends over. I love having this creamy guacamole, which is smooth with some chunks. It will take care of your creamy and savoury cravings. You have to try this recipe! Guacamole with...