Chickpea and kidney bean salad
Sharing a quick, easy and colourful salad recipe for you to try at home made with ingredients that are easily available. This is a protein packed...
Plum Chia Pudding
I love having chia pudding and never get bored as with a variety of toppings there are so many choices. Plus you can make some extra to have the...
Mango Lassi Recipe
This is a cooling naturally sweetened drink to make at home as the weather warms up. 1 cup yogurt (milk or coconut) 1 cup mango, diced 1/4 cup milk...
Stay healthy over Ramadan with these simple suggestions
Ramadan falls in the summer months and for those living in the Northern hemisphere it will be a long fast day. In order to have sustainable energy...
Easy Edamame Salad
As the weather warms up you may be looking for some inspiration on making something cooler, light yet filling for a quick lunch. If you are eating...
Baked spicy chickpeas
This week’s recipe is a very simple one and perfect for you, if you crave something salty, savoury and crunchy. This is a healthy vegan snack, high...